Temple Tramp: Taking The Middle East By Storm


Scoop Empire Co-Founder Sabrina Khalil in a Temple Tramp tee.

In between hustling back and forth between Egypt and London for their various business ventures, Temple Tramp founders May Tawakol and Sandra Abdalla are off to Dubai next week for Fashion Forward, taking the region by storm with their provocative brand.

We caught up with Sandra to get the scoop on the ethos behind Temple Tramp, their first collection and how it all started.



1. Where did the idea for Temple Tramp come from?


The idea of Temple Tramp came about when the First Egyptian Revolution took place in 2011. Everything we built crashed before our eyes and we were locked in our homes left with the ruins and a completely unknown destiny. We thought and thought and realized that if we were going to build anything from scratch we would rather start doing what we always dreamed of, since we are building everything from scratch again.

May had a passion for production and comes from a family business of production of clothes and fur and I just love clothes and craved a creative outlet. So we searched deep within ourselves and realized that we wanted to create a clothing line to help Egypt stand up again, bridging East and West because we believe in the best that both worlds have to offer. And Temple Tramp was born.



2. Why did you decide to become designers?


Because we always wanted to. There is room, so much room, and if given the resources, we can contribute to the aesthetic of the fashion world.



3. Where did the name for the brand come from?



Who we really, are and our deepest convictions, and the constant interplay between what is sacred and what is profane in our lives.



4. Where do you find the inspiration behind your creations?


A need and a gap in the market for basic, comfy, premium quality clothing with a hint of femininity. T-shirts that are constantly available, all year round.



5. What is the philosophy behind the brand?



Temple Tramp exists to question existing values. We see a world where the relationships between things is not static, but fluid. Subjectivity is the only fixed reference point.

We look at the world with a challenging attitude where there are no grey areas, but neither is there any judgement. Temple Tramp is for those who have a point of view that goes beyond fashion into the worlds of spirituality, sexuality, human nature, art, design and politics.



6. Tell us about the first collection.


TempleTramp-HIGHRES-2816The first collection from Temple Tramp provides an insight into what moves us. We challenge social structures that prevent people from fully realizing who they could be. Thoughts around politics, religion, gender and art have given us inspiration to question ourselves and develop thoughts on how we fit into society.

While asking these questions, we do not propose any answers. We encourage people to find their own interpretation of our designs, and in doing so challenge people to develop their own views and discover their own place in the world.



7. Who best represents your collection?


Women in their late 20’s and above, independent, androgynous, sexy, who choose comfort as well as looks.



8. What are your plans for the future?


Stock in every country in the world.



9. Where are you currently being stocked?


ASOS, Prvt Residence LA, Temple Tramp Website, Dubai.



WE SAID THIS: All the best of luck at FFWD, ladies!
