Study Proves What We All Know About Ramadan

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Ramadan is in the air and so is consumerism, every year the Middle East plans, preps, and spends more than the usual amount on food, drinks, and other amenities to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan. YouGov released its annual Ramadan study which surveyed residents in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt and the findings were not so surprising. 59% of Egyptians are expected to spend more during Ramadan as a opposed to 46% of UAE consumers who didn’t plan on spending as much.


Consumers are expected to increase their purchase of dates by 73%, laban by 62%, and yogurt by 61% as well as powdered soft drinks, squashes and cordials. When it comes to where traveling most consumers like to spend Ramadan planning to stay put, with 69% of Egyptians preferring to stay within the country while 52% of Emirates.


For consumers who were planning on traveling during Eid holiday, 30% said they had plans to travel abroad while 56% had plans to travel within the country. The 2015 Ramadan consumer behavior survey found that 49% believe that their productivity is the same as the rest of the year which corresponds with 62% of surveyors who don’t have a hard time fasting. With a small pool of only three countries and a select mount of correspondents it’s hard to say how accurate the survey is. What do you think changes in your spending, routine, and lifestyle during the month of Ramadan?





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