Someone Found a Solution to Getting Gum for Change in Egypt and It’s Brilliant


You know when you’re at a kiosk or a convenient store in Egypt and you’re buying snacks and the cashier gives you gum for change? Yup, that epidemic might end soon enough with this brilliant new tactic.


A Facebook account has shared a hilarious video of a person who had the aforementioned scenario happen to them, only to have it backfire at the cashier. The person, who appears to be male, picks up a bottle of water from the store, then pays for it with packets of gum. The cashier then looks distraught, and tells the buyer that this is not acceptable — he is then told that, “But you’ve just done the same thing to me.”


Needless to say, the trick worked and the cashier let the person walk free by buying the water bottle with gum.



WE SAID THIS: Everyone should implementing this method ASAP.
