By Madonna Victor
Instagram is cool, but sometimes the addiction gets out of control and all hell breaks loose.
You have at least 3 photo editing applications on your phone
“Elmawdo3 kbeer awe.”
When you hear the word “vacation” the first thing that comes to your mind is Instagram
“Sawareny 3nd elba7r w ana msh wakhda bali.”
The 11th like is your favorite
“Ana negma khalas yalahwy.”
You take a photo of/with everything
“Sawareny ganb el vaza de.”
Your photos are 85% selfies
“Amoora Janet.”
You know the difference between every filter
“Inkwell w Willow msh zay ba3d la2.”
But choosing the right filter is hard
“Elmawdo3 msh sahl awe kda 3ala fekra.”
Hashtags are important too, but you know when to use them and how many of them is enough
#NoFilter #Ana7elwaKdaBgd #7a2ee2y
You check Instagram every hour to know what’s happening, you don’t wanna miss a thing, right?
“5 da2aye2 dol momkn ye7sal fehom balawyy.”
The 1st thing you think about when buying a new phone is the camera quality
“Mobile gded ya3ny selfies a7la, ma3roofa,”