10 Signs Your Coffee Addiction Is Completely out of Hand
Coffee is glorious, but sometimes our obsession with it gets out of control.
1. You always want more
“Fengan wa7ed la yakfy”
2. You try to reduce your intake but you just CAN’T
“El edman yadoq el abwab fe ay wa2t”
3. You get terrible headaches if you don’t drink coffee
“Ediny el7o2na bsor3a argok m7taga elgor3a”
4. You think about coffee the minute you wake up
“Saba7 el5er eh? Fen el ahwa???”
5. You feel like another person after drinking coffee
“Eh? A7san? A7san”
6. You spend a lot of money on coffee
“Kan m3aya floos walahyy”
7. People keep telling you how coffee is unhealthy
“Ma3andesh moshkela amoot w f eidy ahwa”
8. You underestimate your intake
“Yadobak walahy 5 cups”
9. You know every single coffee shop around
10. You judge others for their coffee preferences
“Betsammy eli btshrabo da ahwa? Shhh e5ras 5ales”
WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss 12 People You Meet at Every Ahwa.