Rotaract Cairo Royal – a service club for young professionals aged 18 to 30 – will be putting together bags containing Ramadan’s basic food necessities. The bags will be given to less fortunate families and individuals around Egypt.
Although Rotaract Cairo Royal have been doing this for eight consecutive Ramadan seasons, this year is especially important.
Indeed, the soaring prices this year have meant that need and hunger have skyrocketed to reach unprecedented and disproportionately high rates. This is why any amount that participants contribute – no matter how big or small – is not only welcomed, but highly necessary.

Additionally, Rotaract Cairo Royal is promoting clean and healthy lifestyles; yes, even during the month of fasting and food comas, Rotaract Cairo Royal has decided to stay true to promoting this lifestyle.
Accordingly, Rotaract Cairo Royal has decided to partner up with Fitiology to organize a fundraiser for under the name of ‘Pack & Jump’: attendees will get the opportunity to expose themselves to physical activity, while packing the aforementioned Ramadan bags. Talk about putting a healthy twist on the charitable side of Ramadan.
The event will take place this Saturday –May the 20th– from 5 pm to 8 pm at Fitiology, in New Cairo’s Fifth District. It will include trampoline jumping, and many more fun activities that will help the attendees blow off steam, have fun, and burn calories in preparation for beach season, while simultaneously retaining the overall charitable spirit of Ramadan.

Because Rotaract’s main purpose is to maximize each individual’s capacity for self-development, in a manner that concurrently encourages cognizant practices of community building, they have decided to keep this event open to everyone.
WE SAID THIS: Anyone is welcome to join this charitable fitness event, regardless of whether or not he/she is member of Rotaract and/or Fitiology.