This Psychedelic Hippy Van That Sells Liver Sandwiches in Zamalek Is Everything

There are a few things in life I like more than Zayn Malik, Fifi Abdou and American Horror Story. What’s that? Kebda! Yes, liver is absolutely everything. Nothing beats ordering liver pasta at work, or having a liver sandwich from a cart after a big night out in Downtown Cairo.
Which is why I smiled from ear to ear when I found out about this liver van. Facebook user طالب فنون جميله posted a picture yesterday of a psychedelic hippy van that looks like it got stolen from The Beatles. The van can be found inside the faculty of Fine Arts in Zamalek. And yes, it sells liver sandwiches.
According to Sara Osama, one liver sandwich costs 8 LE, and considering how the Egyptian economy has been lately, we think that’s a good deal.
WE SAID THIS: *leaves work early to head to Zamalek*