Project Runway ME’s Saba Calls Out Rayan on His Stolen Design

Via Medosuxxx.


Last week we talked about how Project Runway Middle East’s Amna calling out Luma on Twitter about her stolen design and we talked out how Saba is the queen of Twitter shade. Well, guess what? The PR mean girls are back and out for contestants’ blood.



As queen Beyonce once said “DÉJÀ VU!” Project Runway’s contestant Saba Tark might be gone but she’s definitely not forgotten as she took to Twitter after the fourth episode to expose Rayan’s stolen design. In the challenge where designers were asked to design jackets for a refugee camp, Rayan created a jacket that turns into a backpack. A lot of people raved about the amazing idea and the jury seemed to like it as well but they didn’t think that the jacket was practical enough in winter.



Our favorite trio, the Heathers, the Chanels and the Plastics of Project Runway went from Luma to take down Rayan as Saba took the charge from Amna this week posting pictures of the design from a brand called Xip3 which dates back to 2007.




And even explaining that it’s a patented design.

Like MBC would have been sued if they had produced jackets of that design.




She then threw more shade sharing these tweets.




Participated in group takedowns.




And the public put their two cents about the topic.




We just absolutely LOVE those three and can’t wait to see whose life they’re going to ruin next!




WE SAID THIS: Are you #TeamSaba or #TeamRayan? Let us know in the comments below.
