Mommy Diaries: Every Mama’s Survival Guide


With the panic that’s about to ensue, there are a few tips I’ve learnt from my always neurotic parents and in-laws. They have definitely come in handy, and I thank them for their grand master level of paranoia.

First things first, WATER! And no ladies, you don’t have to have nestle. Any bottled water will do. And if you have a filter at home my hat goes off to you, you’re ahead of us all! Buy as many boxes as you can fit in your car. Then, as soon as you empty a bottle, fill it up from the tap, take the label off and Sharpie a big T on the bottle. Water is a necessity.

Cans, cans and more cans. Foul, tuna, canned hot dogs, baked beans, if it comes in a can, buy it. And preferably if you stick to the things that don’t need to be cooked. That’s important for two reasons, first, who wants to cook when you can be watching OnTV? And second, just in case there’s a gas cut. Yes, it is extreme, yes, I am getting carried away, but come on, deep down you know that it just might happen.

Marie. Best Egyptian biscuit out there. Stockpile people. Really. Boxes and boxes of Marie make everything okay.

Breadsticks and crackers, nuts and trail mix. Carbs have been scientifically* proven to make people more agile and happier.

Peanut Butter. Do I really need to justify this?

Formula and pampers. If you have littles still in diapers, this is a must.

Sugar, salt and pepper.

Always make sure to have a cash supply at home and a full tank of gas.

I love this country and I truly believe that these testing times are necessary for us to truly do it right.  We can do this!

*This is a flat out lie I like to tell myself.
