#Mom_Loving_Life: Farm Frites Urge Egyptian Moms to Follow Their Dreams

Being a mother is a terrifying idea for most women. Some are scared of the responsibilities, some are scared of the pregnancy, and others are scared of losing their identity.
Many of us have met mothers who say “I used to do this and that before having kids,” and live doing nothing but being mothers. While some chose to have this life and are very happy with it, others are sucked into it, lost their identities and became only mothers because they have no time to do anything for themselves.
Farm Frites has decided to hammer on this message in their latest campaign #ام_وبحب_الحياة, and it was refreshing to see an ad that actually tackles real issues women go through and send a positive message that would, hopefully, help women go back to who they were before being mothers. Watch the inspiring video above.
WE SAID THIS: Share a photo on your Instagram account (with your kids or a photo of your hobby), and write your heart out with the hashtag ##ام_وبحب_الحياة, as well as follow @farmfriteseg and tag them as well. By doing that, you can be one of the 10 lucky moms to win in the draw.