Misconceptions Of Being @Zedified_


Hi. My name is Radwa El Ziki and I am a fashion blogger. Because of the sudden rise in the Egyptian fashion industry scene, a lot of misconceptions have been floating around lately. Most of them are funny, others are true, but mostly, completely and utterly wrong. I think it’s time to clear the air about certain things (at least in my case).

For starters, I hate the word “fashionista”. Mostly because of the way the word is being thrown around. “Oh, you are fashionista?” In this world, if you use big fashion words, decide to mix and match and call it a fashion statement, you’re deemed a Fashionista. I’d rather be called Radwa, thank you very much.

We aren’t all ditsy. I promise. I know we seem to be that way but we are hustlers. Most of us have jobs, go to school and juggle other side projects to make a name for ourselves. The common equation is that if you are interested in fashion, then you are automatically an airhead. I like to read and research, it just happens to be centered around fashion. What’s the big harm in that?


Aren’t we all?

A photo posted by Zedified – Unabashedly Chic (@zedified_) on


My life does not revolve around taking selfies. Okay, it might sometimes, but those shameless selfies come only every once in a while.



I like pictures that focus on my outfits and the details.


New kicks on the block. A photo posted by Zedified – Unabashedly Chic (@zedified_) on


And the biggest misconception of all…is that I live in a fake world. This industry is tough. From planning events and photo shoots to writing fashion editorials, to running around trying to get things done, a lot of sweat and long nights are required.


Thank you @hersegypt for this personalized invitation! So bummed I didn’t make it yesterday

A photo posted by Zedified – Unabashedly Chic (@zedified_) on


I think you should consider cutting us some slack. It may be a bit different from the ordinary perception of full-time day jobs, but it’s still hard, okay!



WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss 10 Misconceptions About Fashion Bloggers.
