This Is Love… And It’s Guaranteed to Make You Cry
This is a picture of a woman’s grave called “Mona”. Her husband was so in love with her that he never forgot her. Whenever an incident happened, he would go to her grave and write it on the bricks surrounding her coffin as if he was telling her the story.
We thought these men were extinct, but here is proof that they still exist!
My beloved wife Mona, Today our daughter passed with a result of 86%.
Today is your daughter Farah’s wedding, congratulations.
I have a problem that’s bothering me… (and then he’d write what the problem was)
I got a raise at work and want to buy you a new dress.
Our son passed with flying colours. He’s right beside me and sends his regards.
I miss you so much. I wish you were with me, raising the kids together.
I pray to God to come to you soon, but when I raise the kids the way you wanted me to.
A kind gentleman asked for our daughter’s hand in marriage and I know you approve because he’s a decent guy.
Raising the kids has been exhausting, but all the exhaustion disappears when I come here.
Everyone loves you and prays for you. We miss you so much.
I’m sorry I couldn’t visit last Friday, it was your daughter’s engagement and we felt your presence with us.
I want to stay beside you forever and share with you my pain and heartache. I miss you so much.
زوجتى وحبيبتى الغاليه منى ، النهاردة رانيا بنتنا نجحت جابت 86
النهاردة فرح بنتك ألف مبروك يا منى
أنا عندي مشكلة مضايقاني جاي أحكيهالك ويحكى ليها ويكتبها
فى الشغل زودولى المرتب عاوز اجيبلك فستان جديد
ابننا نجح بتفوق وبيسلم عليكى أوى يا منى وهو جنبى وبيحبك
وحشتينى أوووى كان نفسي تكوني معايا ونربى العيال مع بعض
على فكره انا بدعى ربنا آجى قريب ليكى لكن لما أكمل تربية الولاد زي منتى عاوزه
جه عريس لبنتنا ولد طيب أوى وأنا عارف إنك موافقه عشان أنا موافق وهو طيب
تعبت أوى يا منى عشان أربى الولاد لكن لما باجي هنا مش بحس بتعب
كلهم بيحبوكى وبيدعولك وحشتينى أوى يا حبيبتي
معلش الجمعه اللى فاتت معرفتش آجى عشان خطوبة بنتك وحاسس إنك معانا
عاوز أفضل جنبك على طووول واحكيلك وجعي وحشتينى أوى
WE SAID THIS: This kind of love is even bigger than in the movies. It’s real.