Living Healthy: 5 Blogs to Follow for Natural Health & Healing

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become difficult today due to our hectic schedule. Since we are living in the digital world, one of the best ways to live healthily is by reading good blogs. Today, we have got you covered with some of our favourite bloggers that focus the most on natural health, individual habits and natural healing.

1. Mercola

This site provides trending updates about certain health issues and provides medical assistance.

Mercola is one of the most prominent sites which has the motive to create awareness among the citizens. It was founded by Dr Joseph Mercola who is a New York Times bestselling author, physician, philanthropist, and more.

The blogs written here provide news regarding the pandemic, health issues related to them, and how one should take specific measures to postpone the fatalities of the pandemic.

The articles share the best natural health information that one seeks. They take care of your concern regarding all the health issues you are curious about.

Apart from these, the best thing about this website is that it focuses on natural healing. It tries to tackle health with the help of natural remedies.

2. Zen Habits

This is also one of the best websites that look for providing quality mental and physical health habits. It primarily focuses on framing the inner and the outer abilities of a person.

Leo Babuta founded this blog out of his passion. He has written several books and provides courses on his website. He is the sole founder, CEO and writer at Zen Habits.

His articles focus on being aware of the concepts of life, individual habits, natural healing and how to frame one’s abilities to see life from a different perspective.

The best thing is that Zen Habits tries to substantiate to individuals that life is beyond one’s choice of what happens to them.

3. TrendToFit

This website provides the best healthy guides and coaches people to achieve the best healthy and balanced life they aspire. In addition to this, they also provide trendy health-related posts for increasing awareness among individuals.

TrendToFit is also a work of passion and dedication by Srishti Gupta who started this blog after going through a bad heart condition. She put a lot of effort to improve her physical and mental health after surgery.

She now shares her personal experiences and teaches people how to improve their well-being naturally through her articles. The articles are based on Ayurveda and science and focus on healthy exercising habits, mental health, and balanced diet tips so that one does not feel tough.

The most captivating thing is that the author tries to explain how to achieve fitness in a very channelized manner and practice techniques that suit you the best, according to your requirements.

4. Lissa Rankin

This is an exclusive health-related website that provides exceptional health-related tips to achieve a great life.

The website was founded by Lissa Rankin, the best selling author, physician, speaker, and well-known health care professional. The blog also provides spiritual wellness and mental health-related quality articles for better exposure to the concept of health.

All the health and lifestyle tips that are provided on the website are practically examined and stand to utmost correctness. The author tries to provide the best of information to health care providers and people who are dealing with certain issues.

Those who seek to achieve spiritual wellness in life and focus on the inner engineering of the soul should educate themselves through the information provided in the content of Lissa Rankin.

5. Plant-Based On A Budget

This is a food-based blog that provides amazing and healthy food recipes. Their blogs are qualitatively rich and acknowledge a wide variety of different foods.

Plant-based on a budget educates you about the various plant products that are economical and satisfies the requirements of the body to the utmost level.

The blog was started by Toni. You can read her journey by exploring the blog. She teaches individuals that we should focus on good quality food, foods that should be fresh, slightly cooked, and should benefit us in every way. She also points out that not everything that is edible should be eaten as it can disrupt the digestion process.

We are living in a world where fast food has become everyone’s favourite and easiest meal option and resorting to painkillers has become the norm. Seeking medical help is good if necessary. But, isn’t it amazing to stay healthy naturally?

The above-mentioned blogs can help you to live healthy naturally by teaching you how to develop good food habits, make exercise a part of your routine and how to deal with stress in your day-to-day life.

WE SAID THIS: Focus on maintaining your health naturally.
