Let’s Fly Home: A Children’s Book for a Cause
Let’s Fly Home is a children’s book about three siblings; Myriana, Gaa’far, and Mostafa. All throughout the book, the two boys support and help their sister to play around with them and the other children. They stand by her side so she could enjoy all activities just like any normal kid. The thing is, that this is not just a book or a bed time story, it’s a real life case.

The Writer, Lina Abou Samha, wrote this book to support her four-year-old daughter, Myriana, who’s struggling with Cerebral Palsy. Her baby girl has been diagnosed with the disorder right after blowing her first birthday cake’s candles. For Myriana to be able to walk normally on her own, she needs to have a surgery called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR). Unfortunately, this operation is costly, that’s why all the income from the sale of the books will go directly to funding Myriana’s operation.

Cerebral Palsy occurs when a child sustains a brain injury early in life. This could happen before or after birth, or even during labor, usually as a result of shortage in the oxygen supply. As the disorder is very common among children, Abou Samha didn’t just write her book to support her daughter financially, but also to deliver a powerful message. She wanted to raise awareness and to tell the world that having Cerebral Palsy will not, and cannot, stop a child from playing and having fun.

Jordanian Singer and Musician, Aziz Maraka has also supported the cause by posting a video encouraging his fans to do so as well. Maraka bought 70 copies of the book and nominated three of his friends to buy the book and nominate others, and so on.
ميريانا البنت القوية، بنت بتعاني من الشلل الدماغي و امها كتبت قصة سنطير إلى البيت – Let's Fly Home حتى تقدر تجمع تكلفة علاجها، وهلأ إجا دورنا ندعمها.. عزيز بهذا الفيديو بتحدى Rahaf Sawalha Nadia Al-zou'bi Sima Najjar Hijjawi يدعموا ميريانا ويمرروا التحدي لأصحابهم#StoriesChallenge #PayForward #SupportMiryana
Posted by Aziz Maraka عزيز مرقة on Saturday, January 20, 2018
Thanks to the support of people, Abou Samha was able to collect €64,599; from book sales and donations. It has been decided that the operation will be in April, 2018, at Saint Louis Children’s Hospital in the state of Missouri in the US. The aim now is to sell 20,000 more copies and collect 100,000 Euros.