Lessons I’ve Learned From Working out Everyday
It all started about two years ago when I was in my Vinyasa class. There was this pose I had been working so hard to ace. When I finally did it, I was so proud of myself that I kept looking at my reflection in the glass window, when suddenly my yoga instructor yelled at me stressing on how we should all focus “inwards and not outwards”. Right there and then, I felt that I’m not going to this class again anytime soon, and decided to check out a gym that was a 5-minute walking distance from my apartment.

I’ve always criticized people who go to the gym regularly, thinking they’re so full of themselves and narcissistic. Always imagining those crazy bulky guys and protein-shake addicts who spend hours checking-out their biceps. So, I finally go to the gym, and guess what, I was right! You do find guys who are obsessed with themselves but on the other hand, the gym has helped me get over many things I was struggling with; anxiety, stress, anger, overthinking, you name it. Once I start running on that treadmill, it all goes away.
Overall, I’m perfectly healthy, I’m not overweight either, but the gym is more than just losing a few pounds; it’s actually therapeutic. I know, forcing yourself to work out every day is a challenge in itself, but believe me, getting out of bed or off your couch is the only hard part. Once you finish your workout session, you’ll feel more than amazing, lighter, happier, and your mood will be 100 times better. Trust me, you’ll be full of energy like you’re ready to take over the world.

Oftentimes, we are too harsh on ourselves when we deserve to give ourselves more credit. At some point or another, when you’re working out, you won’t be able to finish your set of burpees or you’ll really want to stop, and maybe you do. Maybe you’ll take a minute to step down the treadmill and breathe! Maybe you won’t be able to hit that goal of yours today; I’ve learned that it’s okay. All that matters is that I’m here right now and I’m doing the best I can.
It’s also extremely important to take some days for active recovery; to keep yourself moving without overdoing it and hurting your body. Try new classes, there are like a thousand different yoga classes you can try out, pilates, basic core workouts, or simply just go for a walk. Such days are super essential for your body and mind, it’s impossible to exercise intensely every single day.

Working out has made me realize that I am capable of so many things I never imagined I could do. Every day, when I work out, I discover that I am able to do this and lift that; you’d literally surprise yourself. The limits that you have set to yourself are all mental. Bruce Lee once said, “If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it’ll spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them”.
I have recognized that my limitations are self-imposed, and the only way to break free from them is to force myself beyond them. I’m more determined than ever, and it has been incredibly rewarding, waking up every day hungry for what’s next.