Isolaz – The Acne Savior


We sat down with Dr. Nahed Boughdadi, in her quaint 6th of October clinic and discussed the most recent innovation in getting rid of acne. 

We even went as far to as to try and session and were amazed with how fast and pain free the entire thing was but don’t trust us, hear it from the Doctor. 

Dr. Nahed tell us: What is Isolaz?

Isolaz is the only advanced laser machine that works on active acne. It basically has the highest success rate in clearing acne. 

Is the Isolaz Treatment cleared by the FDA?

Isolaz is cleared by FDA and recognized on an international scale as a revolutionary device. 

Is the Isolaz Treatment really painless?

You can definitely say that the session reliefs painful acne and is completely painless meaning that not only is it an extremely quick procedure lasting no longer then ten minutes, but you can also go on with your day as if nothing has happened. 

Each person have their own case and extremes with acne. Yet wit a max of 6 sessions each up to 10 days apart you will have seen the change in your skin that might have taken months with creams and cosmetic treatments. 

What skin types can be treated with Isolaz therapy?

You can act on any skin type with isolaz safely. 

How many treatments with the patient need and how long does each treatment take?

The original course is 6 sessions and you can do maintenance once/month it takes not more than 5 minutes and you should avoid direct exposure to sun after each session

Will the patient has downtime or sensitivity to light following the Isolaz Treatment?

No downtime for this session you can do it at lunch heal and continue your work without any works

Are there any other technologies that combine light with vacuum?

There are other technologies that combine light with vacuum for different purposes on face & Body but nothing like this.

Have patients been happy with Isolaz results? And are the results permanent?

My patients were highly satisfied with their results and on their our works they say “ at last we can get rid of our acne”

Will the patient still need to use topical creams or other medications?

I always accompany topical treatment with isolaz but there is no need for oral medications or antibiotics 

What if the patient only gets a break every once in a while – could he still has an Isolaz Treatment?

It is recommended to repeat the treatment with isolaz if he gets another break but what is a better plan is to do prophylactic sessions every 1-2 month interval to avoid these breaks n severe cases

Will Isolaz also reduce the redness associated with the Acne breakouts?

Isolaz improves  all what is related to acne whether cysts white & black head pimples under skin and also redness

How much does an Isolaz Treatment cost?

Isolaz treatment sessions has high cost benefit if you compare it with other machines long courses. 

WE SAID THIS: Check Out Zone For Trade’s FB Page To Find A Doctor Near You. 
