In for a Good Laugh? Then These Internationally Based Arab YouTubers are Really Worth Checking Out
By Sarah Alblowi
Six out of 10 people prefer online video platforms over TV, and it goes without saying, YouTube’s the biggest platform. The digital world is a much shorter route to more youngsters as its easier to reach them via their smartphones than the dusty cable TV. With millions of daily viewers, it’s hard making it on YouTube’s comedy genre. In an era where everyone has an opinion, especially as a minority, these foreign Arab stars made a name for themselves thanks to their humor and creativity without neglecting their roots and culture.
Gabbie Hanna AKA “The Gabbie Show”

The ex-vine American superstar with Lebanese, Polish, and French descent, transitioned her fame into YouTube, now hitting 6 million subscribers and a thriving music career. The comedian keeps it real while opening up about her struggles in playful storytelling. Her most viewed video, “Remaking My 14-Year Old Sister’s Musical.lys” or “I wore My Great-Grandmas’s Clothes for a Week” are reflections of her humble hilarious personality.
Karim Metwaly AKA “Karim Jovian

Born in the concrete jungle, the Egyptian-American is the king of social experiments, pranks, vlogs, and funny Arabic videos. The proud Muslim shares eye-opening messages on religion, race, and sexism in entertaining binge-worthy content from the heart of NYC. Check out his “American Vs Muslim Bag Experiment”, “10 Hours of Walking in NYC As a Women In Hijab” or “Picking up girls by speaking Arabic” to get a feel of Arab pride.
Yousef Erakat AKA “FouseyTube”

Escaped prisoners to yoga pants, this ruthless prankster earned his 10 million plus subscribers. In a mix of humor, Yousef provokes heart-melting videos about the homeless, culture, violence, and other values close to his Arab roots making us all proud to be Arab!
Anwar Jibawi

You might recognize him with Zach Bach, Jerry Purpdank, and the top 10 Viners. Beside his movie career with stars like DJ Khaled and Mariah Carey, you can now find the Palestinian-American former Vine star presenting blockbuster worthy content, so professionally shot, almost too good for YouTube.
Adam Saleh

A prankster with a big heart, that’s Adam! The comedian wears his Muslim-Arab pride on his shoulders, showing family-friendly content that uses laughter for a greater purpose. The star highlights discrimination and breaks Westen stereotypes about Islam and the Middle East.