How to Choose Your Travel Buddy Wisely

By Lojain El Shawaf

It is vital that you choose the right group of friends when it comes to traveling and exploring the world together. Here is a list of people you should plan a trip with to ease your troubles while you’re away.

People with a positive  attitude

A traveler’s positive attitude, especially in a group trip is extremely necessary, don’t choose to spend the best time of your life with someone who has a negative insight on basically everything. You don’t need this negativity in your life, especially on a wellneeded trip.

An adventurous gal is perfect for a trip

We don’t travel to slack off or to do the same mediocre activities we practice every day, instead, we travel to challenge ourselves and undergo new experiences, easily intimidated kind of friends shouldn’t be included on your list.

An open mind companion along the way

When traveling, it’s nearly impossible for everything to go as planned. Changes always take place and if you don’t accept this and immediately start coping with these changes, then your trip could be ruined. People who want everything to go their way are considered as a big NO.

Patience is key

Trips are made for us to relax and ditch the worries, so one of the things that could certainly kill this vibe, are people who rush everything. As mentioned earlier, not everything goes as planned therefore, patience is the only solution.

Don’t travel with someone you have beef with

Someone you already had some drama with beforehand? How will you then manage to travel together? The answer is that you won’t be able to handle it. Chaos will surely be present and neither you nor your other friends will have fun.

The punctual friend

Traveling needs commitment and a good eye for time management. Don’t risk missing a flight or being late to a fun occasion because your travel bud had some extra hours of sleep, or didn’t feel like going on time.

Naggers, you may be excused

People who nag make everything worse. They’re like a ticking bomb that’s waiting to explode, and they probably do on the way back from the trip. They get stressed if the flight is delayed, they get annoyed if they didn’t get their desired hours of sleep. These kinds of people can turn your supposedly good time, into a living nightmare.

WE SAID THIS: Choose wisely! 
