How Can Middle Eastern Companies Screen for Top Talent in Australia?
If there’s one good thing that can be said about the COVID pandemic is that it triggered a revolution in the labor market. Prior to 2020, most businesses bulked at the idea of remote work, because it simply seemed unusual. The employee had to be at his desk from 9 to 5, that was the prevalent model, but not anymore.
Many Middle Eastern companies are now catching up on this new trend looking for highly-trained professionals elsewhere. Hiring a designer, an accountant, or an IT programmer half-way across the world, in Australia, is part of the new normal.
Background checks on remote workers

Hiring a remote worker has never been easier. With all the restrictions and lockdowns affecting large parts of the world, people are getting used to the idea of conducting job interviews on Skype or Zoom. It’s not the same as in-person interviews, but Human Resources are adapting quickly.
There’s still one aspect that raises some questions. How to conduct a background check on an individual in another country? When you’re looking to hire a good professional in Australia, ordering a background check on a prospective employee is simple and fast, no matter if you’re located in Abu Dhabi or Riyadh.
All you have to do is contact an accredited online agency like the Australian National Character Check and have them run a police check on a certain individual. Obviously, before doing so, the company needs to obtain the individual’s informed consent for a police check.
The candidate will then provide basic identification information, like name and address, and send a photo. By submitting the information to the Australian National Character Check, you will obtain a detailed background check on that person within 2-3 business days.
As the agency is accredited with the Australian federal government and it has access to the police databases in all Australian states and territories, so if a certain person has something on their record it will show up. The full report will be sent by email to the interested employer.
Why are background checks on remote workers necessary?
Many businesses tend to assume that since a person won’t ever set foot in their offices, whether or not they have a criminal record is of little importance. Such an approach is extremely dangerous as the new employee will still have access to the company’s internal network and can access sensitive data even from thousands of miles away.
Sure, you don’t have to worry about the new employee stealing money from the cash register, but, in a digital economy, it’s just as easy to embezzle company funds. Also, a remote worker might have access to confidential documents, new product designs, lists of customers, a lot of data that can be stolen.
Doing a background check on an Australian professional is the best way to make sure that an individual does not have a criminal record, putting a recruiting agent’s mind at ease. Better safe than sorry!