Hesham Magued’s “Death” tshirt Gets Edited Out of Resala’s Ad

Imagine throwing a t-shirt on and heading to work, only to find yourself the center of every meme in the Arab world. That would basically summarize Hesham Magued’s life this week.


رسالة بترعي الأيتام.. بتأوي المسنين.. بيجهزوا العرايس.. بيعملوا مشاريع.. بيدوا دروس تقوية.. بيبنوا اسقف.. وبيتبرعوا بالدم لأي حد محتاج دم.. بيمحوا الأمية.. وبيوزعوا وجبات.. علاج طبيعي لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.. بيكسوا ملايين المحتاجين.. عمليات زراعات قوقعة للصم.. بيخرجوا الغارمين من السجون.. بيعملوا قوافل طبية.. بينضفوا الشوارع.. بيركبوا اطراف صناعية.. بيوصلوا المية لبيوت المحتاجين.. بيساعدوا المكفوفين.."رسالة بتعلم و بتعالج و بتبني وبتخدم كل محتاج..رسالة يعني المصريين بيقفوا جنب بعض"

Posted by ‎Resala Charity Organization – جمعية رسالة للاعمال الخيرية‎ on Friday, May 18, 2018

During a charity advert by Resala Charity Organization which starred some of our biggest celebrities, one actor stood out due to the mother of all wardrobe malfunctions.

Magued was facing the camera, spreading positivity while asking everyone to do good for the well-being of others but his t-shirt stole the show. With the biggest font imaginable, the word “death” was front and center on his chest.

It goes without saying that the Internet showed no mercy, and some pretty hilarious memes came to life.

وانا في المونتاج كنت مصمم نعيد تصوير مشهد هشام ماجد الي تطوع بالتصوير رغم انشغاله الشديد بس كلمة موت كانت واضحة قوي على…

Posted by Motaz Mohamad on Saturday, May 19, 2018

Shortly after the unnecessary drama, the producer took to social media to explain what happened. Moataz Mohamed apparently noticed the irony of the scene, wanted to re-shoot or edit it, but the actor’s busy schedule stood in the way. Mohamed added that the director convinced him that it will go unnoticed, but apparently nothing in Egypt goes smoothly. Long story short, we can go back to our lives as the D word just got axed from the ad.

WE SAID THIS: That “When you’re a philanthropist, but also a nihilist” meme just won the Internet.
