Egyptians Smoked EGP 720 Million Worth of Hash in the Past 8 Months

Nazra, a show that airs on Sada El-Balad, interviewed Major Ahmed Omar, Head of Anti-Narcotics General Administration straight up about hash. Like, we knew hash existed but wow, this interview was mind-blowing! Show host, Hamdy Rizq, asked how much drugs cost our national economy, and the reply was “billions,” considering a ton of hash costs Egyptians EGP 60 million.
In just the past eight months, 12 tons of hash were found in Egypt. In other words, Egyptians basically smoked EGP 720 million worth of hash in less than a year. Bear in mind we’re only talking about the hash that the Anti-Narcotics General Administration were able to locate. But it all makes sense, we finally have an explanation to the general sense of numbness that is taking over the country.
Watch the interview below:
WE SAID THIS: Yes, my family name is Hashish, and yes I’m writing about hashish, and no it’s not funny!