Hany Shaker Deletes His Pool Picture After Getting Cyberbullied

Another day, another victim of cyberbullying gives into his bullies. The victim we’re talking about is none other than Hany Shaker. Yup, the 63-year-old Egyptian singer.
A week ago, Shaker updated his cover photo with a picture of himself in a pool, and (most) Egyptians couldn’t just let it go. To say people ripped him to shreds would be an understatement because the singer had just deleted the picture.
We went on his page and looked everywhere, and we mean everywhere, and the picture is still nowhere to be seen. Again, people need to sit down and give Shaker a break. Yes, you have the right to not like the picture but there’s no need to be an asshole. Sticks and stones may hurt bones, but words can break people. Literally break them. Be careful of what you say to others.
WE SAID THIS: The comments on the picture have not been shown in this article out of respect.