GUC Eagles, American Football Team, are Looking To Make History Again
American football has been recently taking over Egypt. A lot of our youth are taking part, and many believe that one day, it might actually be as popular as soccer! One of the leading teams in Egypt, three-time national champions, GUC Eagles are setting the bar high for American football in Egypt, the Eagles are determined to keep their impressive three years winning streak alive and win their fourth consecutive title this year as the leagues starts.
The Eagles will face Cairo Bears on their first game of the season on Friday 23rd and are looking to make a statement to everyone with their new Coach, Tom Cudney. This year is considered to be the toughest yet as there are eight teams joining the league, with four import players and five import coaches taking the game to the next level in Egypt.

The Eagles men tackle team has already established their reputation by winning all their season & championship games to date, having a perfect winning streak in 2015, 2016 and 2017. The Eagles also do have a women’s team which was established in 2017 with 30+ players.
The Women’s team are looking to grab their first title this year, however; it won’t be an easy mission as there is also eight women’s team playing this year all eager for glory.

The GUC Eagles were founded – as the name indicates – in the GUC, the German University in Cairo, in 2011 with a registration booth in May, coaches’ preparation in July, and the actual start being in August of that year. Starting with 60 players, the Eagles had been a force in the American football scene of Egypt since its inauguration.
American football is said to be the fastest growing sport in Egypt starting in 2015 and currently have 750+ players registered in the league, with both men and women teams, and it is definitely grabbing the attention of fans, as they are increasing more and more every year.
Make sure to follow them on Facebook and Instagram @guceagles for the latest updates on the champs.