Gratitude In Action: Egyptian Government Employees Compensated For Moving To New Administrative Capital
Lately, Egypt has been crossing milestones with the advancement in multiple fields. In this case, regarding the New Administrative Capital, the government is offering the employees some aid, helping them make their lives easier. There are around 40,000 employees that will work in the new capital. Cabinet spokesman Nader Saad, said that they will be provided with apartments and aid in order to be closer to work, according to Ahram Online.
Egypt’s bright future
Badr City, situated seven kilometers away from the new capital, has middle-class housing. Clearly, building this city has been quite costly for the government. The cost of an apartment is roughly L.E. 675,00, although as compensation for dragging the employees to the new administrative city, there will be a L.E. 225,000 discount on the apartments. However, a down payment of L.E. 110,000 will be requested, followed by quarterly installments over seven years.

Those who don’t want to move to new apartments in Badr City will be handed a transportation allowance, because the government realizes that such a move serves as a big one, considering how far it is from populated areas. Due to this, government services will also be digitized, according to Nader Saad. The Ministry headquarters, 119 government agencies, the Cabinet’s headquarters, and the House of Representatives, as well as the Senate, will be moving into the new administrative capital of Egypt this year. Nonetheless, people needn’t go there to receive government services, as it will be online now.
This is a huge leap into the future! Digitized government services, new housing, and discounts on apartments are just a few advancements to mention. Despite that, the employees who are on board with this huge transition are well compensated, and appreciated for. At this rate, it seems like Egypt might be shifting 180 degrees within a decade!