To All the Girls in Egypt Who Are Still Proudly Wearing Their Hijabs

There was a time when every other girl in Egypt was veiled. When it was totally normal, totally cool and people were pretty much ambivalent about it. Like wearing a school uniform.

But suddenly, it fell out of fashion, and what’s worse: Those who wear it are suddenly uncool at best and backwards at worst. Strange looks in Europe? Even stranger looks in Cairo. Which is kind of sad.

So for those of you who kept your hijabs on: This is why I envy you!




You didn’t succumb to peer pressure


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Literally, every single girl (including myself) has taken her hijab off. One of the hardest things to do is to be the only veiled girl at an outing. And well, if everyone’s doing it and it’s not such a big deal, then why shouldn’t I? I envy your strong will and strength in being different, not listening to everyone else and not being influenced by everyone else’s actions around you.




You have a belief, and you’re sticking to it




Nothing is more admirable than a human who stands up for what they believe in with pride. Rocking a hijab is a loud and bold statement of who you are and what you believe in. It takes courage and strength to be able to pull that off on a daily basis.




No matter what’s happening around the world, your hijab stays on




It’s easy to use “safety” as an excuse to take off your hijab abroad with everything happening around the world. As unfortunate as it is, Islamophobia is definitely on the rise. With a veil, you stick out like a sore thumb from the crowd and not in a good way. Seeing you step out of a plane in Paris, London and America in your colorful hijab with a smile on your face makes me wish I had an ounce of that courage.




You’ve gotten over those “bad” days




Having worn hijab for a good 15 years before I took it off, I know some days are easier than others. Some outings are easier than others. The cafes are easier than the weddings. And the girls-nights-in are easier than 35-degree gym sessions. You’ve gotten over every single day and powered through like a champ!




A message like this hasn’t made you question yourself





With so many places not letting veiled girls in, it hits you in the gut and you automatically start feeling like some kind of outsider. Kudos to you for understanding that your personal choice will have its ups and downs and this is just one of the downs, nothing to get your panties up in a bunch for. And at the end of they day, it’s their loss! Right?




You haven’t stopped living your life




Fashion shows, hip-hop dance classes, yoga, learning a new language! There’s so much to do and your hijab hasn’t limited you in any way. You were never held back and aren’t about to be! Watching you do everything a non-veiled girl (and man!) can do so gracefully is inspiring.




Your self-confidence




I’ve seen veiled girls walk into places like they OWN them! All the power to you, gurl! There is no shame in being veiled and you look fabulous. Wish I had half of your self-confidence!




You chose God over everything and everyone else




And finally, your choice. Knowing that your choice (no matter all the obstacles) was to stay close and true to God must be a comfort I can’t begin to imagine.




We’re all free to choose, and all those choices are to be respected, no matter the reasons – they’re none of our business! But for those that choose the hard road: I salute you.




WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss 8 Muslim Women Whose Hijab Didn’t Stop Them.
