Egypt’s National Council for Women File a Lawsuit Against MP Suggesting Virginity Tests

Egypt’s National Council for Women are planning to file a report with the state’s top attorney against MP Ilhamy Ageena over his “offensive remarks against women in Egypt and abroad,” a member of the council said on Saturday.
Ageena has suggested two controversial laws in September, all related to the hymen. In early September, he urged that women should undergo female genital mutilation as to lower their sexual desires in order to balance them with the weak sexual abilities of Egyptian men. Later in the month, the MP suggested that female college students perform regular virginity tests during their time at university to ensure they’re still an will stay virgins, while prospective students are required to bring a document to prove they’re virgins before they’re enrolled.
“Ageena’s remarks represent an insult to women and public manners in Egypt;” said Amna Nosseir, a fellow MP and a university professor in Islamic law. “I hope that parliament will move this time to take a serious and firm stand against Ageena, discipline him and stem the tide of his statements, which might convey a bad message about Egypt’s parliament,” she added.
WE SAID THIS: In your face, Ageena.