Egypt’s Ain Shams University Just Won The First position In the Formula Student Competition
By Nada Hamouda
Students of Egypt’s Faculty of Engineering at Ain Shams University won, on Sunday, the first place at the Cost and Manufacturing category at Formula Student global racing competition, held in UK. The ASU racing team ranked the 31st with a total score of 285,8 becoming the first Egyptian, African and Arab team to take the first position.

Formula Student is a global competition for engineering students in which students have to design and assemble a formula racing car and raise funds to do so all by themselves. The competition is organised annually by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).
This is not the first time for Ain Shams University to participate in the Formula Student competition. Last year, they won the second place, raking 28th worldwide.

Moreover, a video showing the Egyptian team chanting “Egypt..Egypt” has been surfacing the social media networks. As many people started sending their congrats to the winners and giving them supporting comments.
إحساس الفوز بعد تعب كبير، و إنك تحقق إنجاز يخلي اسم بلدك يتهتف بيه وسط فرق من جميع انحاء العالم في واحدة من أقدم و أكبر حلقة لسباق السيارات و موطن ال Formula One عمره ما يلاقي كلمات توصفه، و ده اللي حصل النهاردة لما فريق ال Formula Student Class 1 حقق المركز الأول على مستوى العالم في ال Cost & Manufacturing Award.فريقنا أبهر لجنة التحكيم ب إختياراته الممتازة لأجزاء العربية و عِرف يطبق اللي إتعلمه صح حتي لجنة التحكيم وصفته بالمثالي و دي حاجة نادرة جداً أنها تحصل و خلاهم يحصلوا على ال points كاملة.فريقنا أثبت للعالم كله إن مفيش شئ مستحيل بالشغل و الإجتهاد و التعب و إن الشباب المصري قادر إنه يحقق حلمه مهما كان صعب بس بشوية تعب. ????#FSUK #ASURT #AutobotsRollout
Posted by ASU Racing Team on Sunday, July 15, 2018