Dear God Why Is Catchphrase Hob-Double-Kick Everywhere We Go? Kefaya!
Leeh ya Rab? No seriously, Leeh? At least the Dondoo catchphrase was hilarious. In case you’re wondering why everyone on social media is suddenly saying hob-double-kick, it was a comment said by Talaat Zakaria in the movie Ew3a Weshak. While the actor did it well, we have all somehow managed to destroy it. So what does it even mean? It means ‘suddenly’ or ‘fag2a’.
Everyone is suddenly using it. ‘Hob double kick go3t. Hob double kick elwad sabny. Hob double kick my battery died’. Hob double kick we decided to tell you about 10 things that are less psycologically painful than that catchphrase:
A mosquito buzzing in your damn ears
The sound of a person chewing a bubble gum next to you
Staring at your phone for hours waiting for your ex to reply
Dropping your phone in the toilet
Not having Wi-Fi at work
3omal byeshtaghalo fel sha2a eli fo2ik
A trip in Europe with no shatafa
Your mom pressuring you to get married
Egypt’s microbuses
Being stuck in an elevator with someone who just farted
Influencers…Mmm no I changed my mind, influencers are actually still more annoying than hob-double-kick.