Brilliant Ad by 500 500 Hospital Finally Gives Egyptians Something to Smile About

For the first time, we actually feel that we want to donate because we’re happy to do so, not because we feel sad, nor because we’ve been guilt-tripped. Ramadan is known for its heart-wrenching adverts, specifically when it comes to donation campaigns. The ads’ natures are usually depressing, dark and you always get the sense in them that life is unfair.
This year, it was no different. We’ve seen people drinking green water straight from the Nile, we’ve cried while watching cancer patients asking to meet their idols and much more.

Television has been cruel, and this whole year hasn’t been delightful for any Egyptian, so we deserve to feel happy. We deserve some optimism. We need to watch success stories. We want something to keep us moving forward. We want to give the less fortunate because we have hope for them, not because we feel guilty and obligated. That is exactly what the new ad for New National Cancer 500 500 Institute has done for us.
This campaign has succeeded twice. Featuring social media’s little hero, Zein, in their first ad has left cancer patients, along with parents, feeling hopeful.
The second ad is absolutely delightful. While everyone has been complaining about the millions wasted on celebrities in advertising, we doubt anyone feels the same way when it comes to this brilliant piece. Last night, Egypt finally had something to smile about and we actually want to help. This is the best thing this Ramadan: an ad. that depicts happiness, innocence, support and love
WE SAID THIS: Maybe this is a sign for all agencies out there to steer away from the guilt and depression strategies.