Breaking Taboos: Arab Women Are Finally Addressing Social Stigmas and Unspoken Truths

As Arab women, we are raised in societies that shame girls for asking questions about their own bodies, and are intolerant towards them wanting to know or understand more about themselves. Many women are told not to ask, and just go into puberty with no knowledge, and later dive into marriage, with absolutely no background on the different experiences that they’ll face or go through.

Recently, it has become quite evident that women across the region are desperate for education about female anatomy, sexual education, childbirth, pregnancy, relationships, and even marriage and parenting.

A few years ago, a Facebook page stormed into the world of social media, and got everyone talking about it, with all women, both married and single, finding a place in it for themselves. Through this page, women share problems that they face as newly-weds, sex-related discoveries that they’ve only made after getting married, and sometimes their fears about marriage and sexual life in general. They later launched an educational website called Entaleqi, where women can reach out to therapists, psychiatrists, and gynecologists, in several fields, send their problems anonymously, and receive a reply from an expert.

Niswa (group of women) is another platform that promotes awareness regarding fertility and menstrual cycles and aims to help women make consensual and informed choices regarding their bodies, as well as addressing common myths and misconceptions about puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, among many others.

As a mother herself, Nour Emam, fertility, birth, and postpartum doula, launched Mother Being to help other mothers with their postpartum experience, their reproductive health, and overall motherhood experience. She is also breaking stereotypes and opening discussions on wrong, inherent information that many women have grown up to believe about themselves and their bodies.

On the same topic, but from a doctor’s perspective, Pregnancy & Women Health was recently created to help girls and mothers understand more about their virginity, common reproductive health concerns, and lately, the effect of COVID-19 on breastfeeding moms.

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For English click see more 👇🏻 ازيكم؟ النهارده هنتكلم عن موضوع شائع جدا وبنتسأل عليه كتير جدا. البريود عندي متأخره، ده طبيعي؟ النهارده هاقولك ٧ أسباب رئيسيه لتأخر الدوره الشهريه، غير الحمل طبعا 💁🏻‍♀️ ١- خساره زياده في الوزن: خسارتك كميه كبيره من الوزن ممكن تأثر علي مستوي هرموناتك. واحد من الهرمونات دي هو leptin، ف خساره الوزن اكيد هتسبب خلل فيه وبالتالي الدوره هتبقي غير منتظمه ٢- التمارين الرياضية: الإكثار من التمارين الرياضية والمجهود الكتير هما كمان بيأثروا علي مستوي هرموناتك ٤- ضغط: كمان الضغط الناتج عن مشاكل كتيره بيسبب خلل ف الهرمونات المخصصة الدوره الشهريه ٤- تكسيات المبايض: دي عباره عن حاله مرضيه بتيجي ل ٥-١٠ ٪؜، تصيب المبايض وبتأثر علي الهرمونات وبالتالي البريود كمان ٥- وسائل منع الحمل: وسائل منع الحمل زي ما ممكن تخلي الدوره غزيره جدا ممكن تمنعها كمان خالص. افتكري دايما ان حتي بعد التوقف عن أخذ الحبوب دي اثرها بيفضل موجود من شهر ل ٣ شهور ٦- الغده الدرقيه: هي عباره عن غده ف الرقبه مسئوله عن عمليه الحرق وعمليات تانيه كتير منها تنظيم الدوره. لو البريود عندك متأخره متنسيش تعملي تحليل 😉 ٧- الرضاعة: متنسيش ان البيبي بيتغذي منك وده بيساعد علي ان البريود تكون خفيفه جده او ممكن كمان متجيش ل فتره 🤱 . . . 1. Major weight loss being underweight can offset your hormone levels. One of these hormones is called leptin, excessive exercising and drastic weight changes can decrease the body fat causing this and other hormones (like estrogen) to drop, contributing to irregular periods 2. Excessive exercise Rigorous exercising, such as training for a marathon or triathlon, can cause physical stress, which may lead to a hormonal imbalance that screws with your period. 3- Stress Significant stress can disrupt your hormonal balance, creating delayed, irregular, and heavy periods. This is known as hypothalamic amenorrhea. 4. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) PCOS is a medical condition caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones, and It affects about 5 to 10 percent of women The hallmark of PCOS is irregular periods, because Your hormones are completely lopsided and irregular. To continue see the first comment 😉👇🏻

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Although any topic related to women used to be a taboo, times are changing and society is too, and fortunately, more people are realizing the importance of such neglected education.

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