Breaking off My Engagement and Downloading Tinder Was the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me
After several months of attempts, compromises, and sacrifices, I finally decided that it was time to break off my year and half long engagement. Let me tell you; it was the best that ever happened. It was not the end of the world. On the contrary, it was actually the best thing that happened to me.
The first week post my breakup was the worst though, I felt devastated. I kept thinking about how my life is over, and how I would never be able to get over him, after all these years. Then one day, I woke up in the morning, with the decision to put my foot down and get myself out of this zone of helpless depression in mind.

I totally got out of my comfort zone and decided to download Tinder. At first, I didn’t think that this experience would as life changing as it actually was.
Despite the fact, that I was highly selective on Tinder – in terms of looks, educational background and lifestyle – I still ended up dating and meeting a lot of guys through the app. Indeed, I did not swipe right unless I was sure that the person has his Instagram account linked, and I even filtered my matches, because I was not looking for hookups.
What I found especially refreshing, however, was finding out that everyone (and I mean everyone) was actually on Tinder; from my work colleagues, to my exes, to friends’ exes, to friends’ current boyfriends and husbands. I even stumbled across a guy who was actually in process of proposing to my best friend. I could not believe how random this application was. They probably hide apps on the firestick they have. Either way, a very compromising position.

Yet, if you are thinking about downloading Tinder, I should tell you off the bat, that you will likely encounter every type of creepy guy there is. You will meet that socially awkward guy who is a very good texting, yet a disaster in reality. You will meet that very talkative guy, but plot twist, he only talks about himself.

I got a couple of job offers, too and no I don’t mean “hooker” jobs. I actually got literal job offers in advertising agencies. Who knew that Tinder can be used like Linked In?!
Despite the weird and uncomfortable incidents that I had with a couple of guys I met using Tinder, the found that the overall experience was fun and fulfilling. I went on a couple of dates with some really nice guys, I and got to learn a lot about the mentality of guys in general.
To sum up my Tinder experience, opened up a new world for me. In this world, I was able to discover, explore, and meet different men; some became my friends, and some became more than just friends. It was all quite thrilling, it helped me exit post breakup phase very quickly.
WE SAID THIS: You Won’t Believe These Absolutely Crazy Egyptian Tinder Stories.