The Beginner’s Guide to Anime for Egyptians
What’s anime? Us Egyptians don’t know much when it comes to anime, which is why I’m here to fix all of that. Anime is Japanese animation that’s very popular for it’s unique style of storytelling. Anime has fans from all over the world and Egypt is no exception. In fact, we have thousands of Egyptian otakus (anime lovers). We meet at different gatherings such as Egycon and the Heunicon that are held in Cairo every year.
Anyways, I’m going to stop boring you and delve into things straight away. I’ve created a simple guide on how to get non-otakus into anime, and you should follow it.

Step #1: You need to select the anime first, which could be a little bit hard as there are over 30 genres of animes. But don’t worry, I’m going to simplify that for you in Step #4.
Step #2: Choose the language in which you will follow and watch the anime. They will obviously be in Japanese but you can always watch them in English instead, hell, even Arabic is available in most animes. Just make sure you do choose something you’re comfortable with so you can focus better on the story.
Step #3: You need to find a good platform to watch it or download it from. I recommend Putlocker as it has most of the animes with subtitles, or Kickass for torrents.
Step #4: Choose the anime that you want to start with. As we said earlier, there’s a ton of genres to choose from so it varies from a person to another as tastes are different, but I always encourage first timers to watch Death Note. It has everything you could ask from an anime and it’s universally loved by all. Netflix are turning it into a live-action movie in 2017 (but sadly whitewashed it). But of course, if you want something else, let me help you even more with the genres.

This genre could be a little violent and includes a lot of action sequences. I recommend it for people who are into The Hunger Games and that sort of stuff. Shounen animes: Naruto, Dragon Ball, Attack of the Titans.

This genre focuses on romance and friendships. If you like Charlie’s Angels, Totally Spies, this is for you. Shoujo animes: Sailor Moon, Spirited Away.

They’re probably the most watched as they are very easy to get into and are very funny. Comedy animes: Toradora, Golden Boy.

Okay so, first of all animes are not cartoons, and if you say that while watching a horror anime you’ll take it back straight away. Horror animes are usually very gore-y with lots of blood and such. Horror animes: Death Note, Blood-C.

This genre as it says focuses about sports. Covering themes of friendships, teamwork and such. Sports anime: Karuko’s Basketball, Free!.
Slice of life

Yes, this is an actual genre and it involves everyday life with no noticeable events. They show the routines of the main characters and situations that may happen to any of us. Slice of life animes: Anohana, Waiting in the Summer.
Step #5: Now that I’ve simplified literally everything for you, pick your anime, get some snacks and start watching. Thanks me later.
WE SAID THIS: This listicle should also help you with picking the perfect anime for you.