Amal and George Clooney Change the World for These 3,000 Syrian Refugees
Amal and George Clooney may have their hands full right now as the parents of newborn twins. But that’s not stopping them Hollywood’s favorite power couple from getting stuff done.

George is reportedly taking a short break from his acting career to join Amal on her mission to save the world. How, you say? They’re changing the lives of thousands –3,000 to be speicfic– of refugees from Syria.
The couple’s organization, the Clooney Foundation for Justice, is joining forces with UNICEF and Google to devote $2.25 million toward seven public schools in Lebanon. Computer giant HP is throwing in an additional $1 million technology grant.

Lebanon has more than a million Syrian refugees, including nearly 500,000 children. The Clooney Foundation aim to educate Syrian children in public schools through a “second shift” system of additional afternoon classes exclusively for them.