An Ode to the Little Things
It seems that everyday is a constant struggle between climbing up the ladder, being better, reaching that dream. We are constantly pushing ourselves in order to thrive and become “something” in this life that we tend to negate the little things.
Life in general is made of moments. True, everyone has their bad days but if you give it a little thought you begin to realize that even in the worst of times there are moments that take place throughout the day that beg for a little more attention.
There’s nothing wrong with aiming high. On the contrary, everyone should be aiming for gold. But gold is obtained from struggles, difficulties and overcoming daily obstacles and if you neglect the little things, that’s exactly what you’re left with.
Here’s a reminder: You’re not going to remember the months, days or weeks but the moments where you genuinely felt happy, content or at peace. An ode to the little things.
WE SAID THIS: Check out the last Ode to Plaid: Go Plaid or Go Home!