Playing God – The Spider – Goat!


What do you get when you mix a goat and a spider? Why of course a Spider – Goat!

Well I was directed to this strange incarnation I can’t get my head around it! A bunch of scientists in the Southern U.S. have been playing God as of recently and have genetically altered the DNA of goats they have been raising to be able to create spider webs.

There is something about playing God that seems so wrong to me. I get the whole it’s for scientific research mumbo jumbo, this might save lives by being able to genetically alter animals, etc…

But creating a Goat that has the same capabilities of a a spider, so we can harvest the webs is kind of weird to me! Yes, why this hybrid was made was so these scientists can harvest webs, which these goats make in their milk!

Confusing much? Yes I’m as and was confused, so here is a video to make it a little more puzzling!

We Said This: Have these people not seen Spider Man?
