5 Ways to Pass College Exams Without Studying

You would hardly find a student who likes to take exams in college, they are complex and stressful. It’s necessary to repeat all the materials you’ve covered during the last semester and the task is not really pleasant. Nonetheless, it’s inevitable. Some students dream of passing exams without studying. Many people would say that it’s a crazy dream. However, it is quite possible!

An exam is a process, which must be taken by every student individually. A professional paper writing service won’t help you in such a situation. It can only provide you with tips. Thus, our guide provides 5 universal ways to pass college exams and not to spend time on learning.

Understand your exams

The first thing you ought to do is to understand what you’re going to face. The types are different and each has its own peculiarities. Some contain only writing and speaking, others may consist of reading, grammar, and writing, etc. Besides, each section is solved using various methods. There are forms such as multiple-choice questions, true or false, etc.

If you know what your exam consists of, you’ll be able to evaluate your chances to succeed. Find out how to pass each kind and make sure you understand their purpose.

Pass previous versions

It’s vital to pass the tests which were given before. We don’t mean only those you’ve passed personally. Look beyond your program and review tests that were passed by senior students of your faculty. Old tests are commonly in open access and even provide answers.

Of course, the new ones won’t contain the same answers, nevertheless, their structure and purpose might be the same. The methodology of putting students into a challenge doesn’t change. If you pass them, you’ll figure out what strategy to choose to succeed.

Consult your academic supervisor to clarify how to pass every section in the most effective way. You won’t get direct answers. However, you’ll learn essential tips and a professional piece of advice.

Control your time perfectly

Every test has a time limit, which cannot be violated by any means. You have to be sure you’ll manage all the tasks on time. Many students are very nervous due to a strict deadline and fail because of their anxiety. To overcome it, practice time management.

Practice on old tests and do not look into the answers. Just imagine that you’re passing a real test and set a timer. Pass different tests multiple times until you cope with them quickly enough to beat the deadline. Thus, self-confidence is guaranteed.

Find out how to answer any question

There are different kinds of exams with various sections like reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, etc. They are given in different forms. You should define those forms and understand how to answer them without actually knowing the right variant. We’ll provide very smart prompts. Take a look at the following list:

  • Skip difficult questions. To avoid stress and save more time, answer the easiest questions first. Skip the most difficult ones. Return to them after you’re done with easy tasks.
  • Circle keywords. If you are confused with some questions, circle its keywords. Separate sentences into small, logical blocks and emphasize attention on the most important words.
  • Rewrite in your own words. Some questions are too complex for proper comprehension, rewrite such sentences in your own words.
  • Choose the most detailed answer. In case you face a multiple-choice test, select an answer which is more detailed and specific. Commonly, it’s the correct variant.
  • Find commonalities. When you’re puzzled with a certain task, try to find linguistic commonalities between the question and answer. For example, if the question is written in the past tense, the correct answer should be written in the same tense.
  • Select C and B. The statistic says that variant C is commonly a correct answer. The second place is held by B. Select it if you feel C is incorrect.
  • Consider absolute qualifiers. Sentences that include absolute qualifiers are commonly “false”. Choose “false” when you come across them. Absolute qualifiers are as follows – no, never, none, every, all, always, etc.
  • Consider less extreme qualifiers. Select “true” if qualifiers are less extreme. These are seldom, most, frequently, sometimes, oftentimes, usually, many, generally, etc.
  • Select “false” if you spot a false statement.  Watch out for sentences with false statements. If you see at least one of them, choose “false”.
  • Be aware of meaning-changers. Be careful with the words, which can change the meaning of the statement. Such words may be – therefore, consequently, accordingly, nonetheless, as a result, because, notwithstanding, and similar ones.

Improve your mental state

The last tip is the most pleasant of all. You should simply relax and improve your mood before your exam takes place. You ought to be self-confident and conquer the stress of feeling that you haven’t learned anything. What should be undertaken? Consider the next points:

  • Sleep well
  • Eat well
  • Use stress-relieving activities
  • Visualize your successful passing of an exam
  • Turn on positive thinking

These are pretty pleasant and easy things to follow, aren’t they? Get rid of any signs of negativity. Repeat to yourself some mantra of success and the miracle will happen.

WE SAID THIS: Memorize these 5 important strategies as they are universal and help to pass any type of exam without actually studying.
