5 Reasons Why We’re Dreading This Eid

I would consider myself to be a festive person, except when it comes to this Eid. It is the event I dread most – after the wedding season. And while there are perks to every vacation like being off work and enjoying the city to yourself if you’re not traveling, there’s a zillion reason why this Eid is not my favorite.

So many animals get slaughtered



Even though it is for religious purposes and the meat does help feed the poor, it is kind of heart-wrenching.

The entire city is covered in blood


It’s like you’re in a swimming pool that is filled with red food coloring, only it’s blood and it stinks! Think twice before you wear new shoes this Eid.

Family Gatherings



Don’t get me wrong, I love my family… From a distance. But having to put up with the constant questions of “mafish 7ad keda wala keda” or the endless questions prying into personal life is something to dread. Plus, they think I’m too old for 3edeya, now! Not fair!



There’s nothing in the world I love more than traveling – except my mum and chocolate – but when over 50 million people are traveling all at once -to pretty much the same destination- there is no fun left anymore. I just want to kidnap my friends and go somewhere on our own.

Running Errands is out of the question


Yaaay, we’re on holiday, I can finally get some things checked off my list of errands. But no, it’s Eid. EVERYTHING is closed… Bummer! But at least, my mum won’t see me sitting around like a couch potato and come up with 5 zillion things she wanted me to do for her. I can always use that as an excuse, right?

Putting on weight


With the working hours reduced to nil, there’s nothing to keep me away from my beloved fridge and if we were to go out, of course, it would be to eat, again and again, and again. I don’t think the scale will be too happy, either.

WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss Memories of an Eid We’re Nostalgic For
