3 Reasons Vaping can be Used as a Means of Wellness
Two relatively new trends that have grown in popularity over the last decade are vaping and CBD. Vaping began as an activity for recreational use of marijuana or nicotine. Neither were typically used by people looking to improve their health or treat a medical condition, though people taking medicinal marijuana could vape it. It involved heating either oil or marijuana flower into vapor, then inhaling and exhaling it similar to smoking a joint or cigarette.
Cannabidiol (CBD), on the other hand, is a natural chemical compound that is found in hemp. It is in the same family of chemical compounds as THC, the psychoactive compound from marijuana that makes you feel high. On its own, CBD does not make you high, and has been found to help with numerous health issues to improve your overall well-being. It is also something you can vape, and a full spectrum CBD vape is now one of the most common ways that people consume CBD.
Below are the three main reasons why vaping CBD can improve your health.
Reduces pain
One of the main health benefits of CBD is that it has been found to be an effective way to reduce pain. It achieves this by interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) that is found throughout our nervous system. The CBD binds to the receptors in the ECS in a way that reduces the sensation of pain, so you do not feel it as intensely as you would otherwise.
It has been used in clinical trials for people and animals with a number of pain sources: acute pain (sudden injury), as well as chronic conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia. In all cases, those given the right dose experienced pain less severely when they took CBD.
Relieves stress
The other most commonly known benefit of CBD is that it reduces stress and anxiety. Considering that mental health disorders are one of the most common health issues that adults experience, this should be something everyone should know about.
Even though the ECS runs through our nervous system, it doesn’t just affect things like pain. The CB1 and CBD2 receptors in our brains, which are part of the ECS, have been found to affect the signals our brains give off to produce certain chemicals that regulate how we feel. People who have little serotonin, for example, are commonly found to have depression or anxiety. Furthermore, CBD has been found to better help moderate how much serotonin your brain signals need to produce.

Feel the effects quickly
Being able to reduce pain and anxiety is beneficial, but this doesn’t explain why you should vape CBD instead of consuming it any other way. After all, you could always just use oil drops or eat CBD gummies.
The main reason why vaping CBD is becoming more popular is because you feel the effects the fastest compared to any other method. When you vape CBD, the vapor fills your lungs, and from there, the chemical compound is absorbed quickly into your bloodstream. As a result, you can feel the effects of CBD in as little as 10 minutes, depending on the CBD you take, and your own biological response to it.
For someone who has a chronic pain issue flare-up, or someone who has anxiety and feels a panic attack coming, getting relief as fast as possible is important. There are other reasons why you may want to take CBD a different way, but there’s no faster way to gain the benefits it has to offer.