20 Things You Can’t Live Without in Egypt
Surviving in Egypt is no walk in the park. From ruthless traffic that starts right in front of your building to fights with microbus drivers and endless family gatherings with your aunts, some things will never go away no matter how many decades pass.
Here are 20 things you wish you could live without in Egypt — but you just can’t get a break:
A broken rear tail light
A bawab that you’re scared of more than your father
A driver’s license that you never knew was expired and now you’re stuck in a two-hour-long line to renew it
Stress is literally Cairo’s oxygen
A sleepless night before your midterm because the store opening across the street has music blasting out of speakers the size of a car
A family 3ozoma that you don’t want to go to
A mother whose biggest fear is you staying single
A BFF whose biggest fear is el7asad
Saying or hearing the line, “Enty hateb2i meraty. 3arfa y3ni eh meraty?”
Avwara over everything that doesn’t matter
An offensive word carved on your car
The musical background of your life is car honks
Accusing your makwagy of losing a shirt
Buying yameesh Ramadan but never eating it
Saving the mini ketchup packets and throwing them away two years later
A sayes that opens the car door for you but never helps you park
Arguing on the phone with your bank for an hour
Thinking, “Why not double park when everyone else did?”, only to find a fine glued to your window
Ghada Abdel Raziq in Ramadan
And every citizen’s nightmare: Shehadet Ta7arokat
WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss 25 Egyptian Things That Will Make You Feel Older Than Gedetak.