This 15-Year-Old Palestinian Boy Is Programming Professional Games
Bilal Shahin, a 15-year-old Palestinian boy from the Gaza Strip, has taught himself to produce professional-standard computer games. He has developed 20 games over the past three years, one of which — Flappy Attack Crush — is available on Google Play Store.

“My love of computer games prompted me to learn the production languages on the Internet,” Shahin told Safa News Agency. Producing a game starts with an idea, he explained, which is developed from one stage to another until it becomes a game.
He generally uses two software programs, Unity, and Visual Studio.

Shortage of electricity is probably Shahin’s toughest challenge so far, as one might assume. He also said that the lack of a specialist training center in Gaza is another challenge. His father called for the authorities to provide more facilities and opportunities for Shahin and others like him to develop their skills even further.