15 Struggles of ElBent ElMasreya ElOver

I know I write twice a month about how over-dramatic everything about Egypt is, yet deep down it’s all a cover-up to the harsh reality of my unexplained and unnecessary avwara. Egyptian women face a lot of struggles and being hysterical is a problem for most of us. I promise you we don’t have control over it, it just happens, even in the darkest days when simplicity is a must, we are still over. This is Dina and these are my struggles.

So you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and start planning how much kohl you’ll apply and how you’ll line your eyes








Yalahwi is your most-used word and You can’t tell a story with adding your avwara touch


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Make-up in the morning, Make-up in the evening and you think it is subtle even though people tell you to calm the hell down with the concealer



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We love extensions, be it hair, bangs, eye-lashes, nails, whatever they manufacture, we’ll use it






You make fun of how thick and dark our eyebrows are and we try to take it easy with the fillers but it just doesn’t happen



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Being a drama queen is basically your thing. You are the loudest person at work, home, the café, your kid’s school and the gym








 That loud Hayatem-style laugh that you can’t keep in







Those nails though






The Minute the sun sets, we start the hair Karpaja because hair volume is life. We seriously try to stay away from the comb, but we’re genetically programmed to over do it







We go to the hairdresser weekly, whether there’s an occasion or not and yell at him if our hair is flat








What’s a bikini if it’s not covered in sequin and if the swimwear is basic, then the cover-up is a terter engulfed disaster. As I said we are possessed by the demon of avwara






Lazm nakkad and shakk. Guys we live for these moments of unrelative tears and suspense. Don’t you dare take them away








When you have kids this is your life motto ‘Ya mekhalefa elbanat ya Shayla elhamm lelmamat’







And yalahwi if your kids screw up in any activity. It feels like the world has come to an end






We don’t just buy footwear, we go for diamond-covered flip flops, flats and heels because glitter is better






WE SAID THIS: Make sure to check out 32 Moments in 2015 That Proved ElAvwara Is a Part of Every Egyptian.

