12 Things Every Arab Has in their Home

Because we aren’t at all predictable.



In The Kitchen


Lipton black tea (100 bags)



And in no situation is this not true. After all, it does make up 50% of our diet.



Two kinds of tea cups



The normal tea cups for your family, and the fancy tea cups to impress the guests you hate.



Drink mix: one powder and one syrup



You probably use Tang for the powder, and Vitrac for the sharbat.



Glasses with a gold rim



These are for serving that “juice” to your guests. Don’t you dare use your gross regular glasses.



Canned beans, chickpeas and corn



For your foul, hummus and salad emergencies.



Triangle cheese



La Vache Qui Rit anyone? I made some with baladi bread and cucumber…



Inhumanely large jar of olives and other pickles



Aptly stored at the back of your fridge, this jar will last you about a year and you probably wonder how that will be long enough to be able to eat all that.



Everything Else


A large religious text on the wall



Whether you’re Muslim or Christian, or anything else. You. Have. This.



National paraphernalia



Because you’re a proud Arab, and nobody is allowed to forget it. This could be a flag attached to your car, a doormat, necklaces, fridge magnets, a car charm, you name it.



An evil eye or hamsa



And if you don’t think you have one… look again.



Prayer beads or a rosary



Probably stuffed into a Quran on your nightstand.



An Arab instrument



This could be a rababa, a oud or anything else. In my case, it’s a tabla.



WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss 13 Truths Egyptians Realize When Traveling Abroad.
