What Should You Avoid After A Breast Augmentation?
Mammoplasty is one of the most demanded surgical interventions today. It is safe but requires special care after the procedure.
What you do after breast augmentation surgery is critical to maintaining the aesthetics and size of the breasts. So, it is advisable to know what you need to stay off from after you have been operated on.
The following are what to avoid after augmentation of the size of your breasts. This article will help you recover quickly after the operation and get better results. Keep reading!
Avoid Stressing Your Chest Area
After the procedure, you need to avoid moving your arms quickly. This is so that you don’t stress your chest area. Hence, when you move your arms, try to move them smoothly.
Ideally, you should not even raise your arms above breast level until your doctor tells you it is okay. Lifting your arms too early can cause the implant to move.
You can wear shirts and button-down blouses for some days. This way, you will avoid raising your arms.
You should also not lift or push heavy things weighing more than 4 kilograms for the first few days after the operation.
For activities in which you need to move your arms widely such as driving, you should do them two weeks after the breast augmentation.
This will allow the healing process to take place efficiently, preventing fluid accumulation and rotation of the implants. In addition, it will help you reduce inflammation and recover quickly.

Don’t Use Any Kind Of Bra
After any type of breast augmentation, it is essential that you wear the right bra and sometimes a breast band. These elements hold the breasts firmly to prevent careless movements.
In this way, the implants will be fixed in the corresponding position, while the healing process is carried out.
Not using the appropriate bra or stopping to use it before the time indicated by the specialist can significantly affect the results.
Avoid Dehydration
After breast augmentation surgery, the skin in the area is stretched; not only because of the implants but also because of the inflammation in the area.
This together with the constant use of the bra can cause dryness (dehydration). Dehydration will bring discomforts such as itching or even irritation.
Moistening your skin always will help to counteract these reactions. It will also prevent stretch marks from appearing on the area.
Hence, drink water often and apply moisturizing creams periodically in the area.

Don’t Engage In Self-medication
To enhance the healing process of the scars after the operation, you can use some treatments. However, ensure that you’re doing so under the supervision of your surgeon.
After the chest operation, a bandage will be placed for a certain time. You must ask the doctor how the care should be. Surely, you will need to change it daily.
Also, if you have dressings or adhesive tape on your incisions, do not remove them before the time that the doctor has indicated.
Furthermore, don’t use creams on the wound without first asking your doctor.
After a while, you will be able to use special patches or gels that will help keep the scar flat and elastic. But ensure it’s based on professional instruction.
If you need to use pain relievers and other medications, do so following the specialist’s instructions to the letter.
Avoid Sunlight Exposure
It is also very important that you keep your chest area away from direct contact with sunlight. If you don’t, the rays of sunlight exposed to the area can pigment the scars – making them darker and more visible.
So, we recommend that for the first four weeks, you keep the chest area as far away from the sun as possible.
After this time, you may apply sunscreen to the scar area if you plan on wearing a bikini.

Don’t Sleep On Your Stomach Or Side
You can reduce inflammation with the way you sleep the first few days after the operation. It is recommended that you sleep tilting your torso. For this, you can place some pillows or cushions under to raise your upper body.
For months, it’s advisable to avoid laying facing down or sideways. Ideally, you lay facing up (on your back) even if it’s not comfortable at first.
Avoid Alcohol And Tobacco
Higher levels of oxygen in the blood will help you heal faster. However, alcohol and tobacco reduce the level of oxygen in the blood.
Hence, smoking and taking alcoholic drinks will slow down the healing process of the scars. So, you need to avoid this combination.
Also, you must eat in a balanced way and drink adequate amounts of water as mentioned earlier.

Don’t Shower Immediately After The Surgery
Wait 24 hours after your augmentation mammoplasty to shower. Also, don’t submerge the wound in the bathtub while it is still open as this could cause an infection.
We hope that this helps you to tend to yourself most appropriately after a breast operation. And also help you maintain your desired breast for a long time. And remember – call your doctor for anything you might want to ask or wonder about during your recovery and don’t be shy – they are there for you and part of their job is to answer any question you have and guide you through your recovery.
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