Tantes Back Home vs Tantes in North America

When we think about the difference between Middle Eastern culture and North American culture, we automatically spot the elephants in the room: gender equality, organized streets, clean air, less wastas (special treatment for having connections) and more diversity. What most people fail to see is that the North American and Middle Eastern cultures share a huge factor in common: the types of people we interact with in our daily lives – more specifically the tantes. The Tante Clique, or as I like to code them “TC” share more similarities than you’d think, even when separated thousands of miles away!


Here are just a mere five similarities between Tante Mervit your neighbor fil Mohandseen and Tante Carry bta3et Toronto.



The FBI interrogation! Every. Single. Time. 




I don’t know if this list of questions is in scripted within every above 50 year old woman’s mind, but they will always have to start easy and then get to the specifics. Specifics as in “What does your cousin’s wife’s previous dog owner now do for a living? And is he single?” kinda questions.




Positive/Negative comments about your appearance




Kudos for these tantes for getting their vision checked every year (North American Tantes) or eating carrots and peas 3ashan yqawi nazrohom (Middle Eastern Tantes) because they don’t miss a beat whenever we do the slightest change in our looks! Whether you changed your eyebrows, lost a little weight, or even changed your signature perfume scents, the Tantes notice it all, it’s an international thing!




“Surprise” visits with their sons/daughters




Ahh, yes… El tazbeet! The Tantat want us to love and get to know their kids whether it’s a friendship or more, by “surprising” us with a random visit home or “bumping into us” at the mall when their kids are around. Thankfully the kids are usually in the same boat as us and want nothing to do with the so-called arrangement.




Their generosity…with food




On a more positive note, and based on my personal experience, all Tantes are super generous and giving when it comes to their all time favorite topic: food. They will feed you, buy you coffee, or anything edible really whenever they see you as a sign of mutual love and buddy buddy initiation. And God forbid you say no for an answer.



Their genuine care 




Despite the nosiness and “moves” these Tantes try to pull on us, I can honestly say from what I’ve seen, that they mean well and will genuinely help in any way they can should you need their assistance. They’ll ask a million questions while helping and might shove some food down your throat while they’re at it, but they’ll be there for you when mama is too busy!



WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss Sh*t My Arab Mom Says.


