Egyptian Parent Has the Perfect Response to Insane Rise in AIS Fees

Last night, every parent in Egypt was puzzled. We’ve known for some time now that every school increased its fees, and to say it has been depressing is an understatement. One of the few schools that remained silent about its decisions following the Egyptian pound flotation was the American International School (AIS), and only yesterday parents were shocked after receiving the fees proposal schedule for 2017-2018.

Some social media users discussed the fact that AIS has always been one of the most expensive schools in the country, but what they don’t understand is that just because a parent squeezed his pocket dry to afford the EGP 100K for kindergarten, it doesn’t mean that he can afford double that amount. Add to that, parents who have more than one child enrolled.
TV host Ahmed Moussa talked to the spokesman for the Ministry of Education and it was ugly. The guy was defensive but eventually admitted that the fees are unreasonable considering the economic crisis we are all suffering from. Yet one Egyptian parent, Osman Badran, came out with a Facebook video that basically says it all.
Watch Badran’s rant below:
WE SAID THIS: We would transfer to national schools if it wasn’t for its horrific level of education.