What the Eff, World? Part 9


Just like fashion, news topics also follow particular trends. Over the last couple of years, Europe has been about money problems and sex scandals, Africa centered mainly around military coups and kidnapping foreigners, and the Middle East always brought us the best in conflict, sprinkled with a little Arab Spring.

One region that rarely receives as much attention however is Latin America. This baffles me. The continent pretty much covers every headline-worthy topic there are: coups, natural disasters, border conflicts and much much more.

This week however, the spotlight was turned on Latin America due to the death of what used to be one of the world’s most controversial leaders, Hugo Chavez. To many he was a hero, a champion of the down-trodden and a force fighting against US influence in the region. To others, he leaves behind a legacy of political turmoil and social division.

As the Arab world ventures down its revolutionary road, much can be learned from the Latin American experience. In this particular field, they are experts; and they have faced many of the same obstacles, poverty and unemployment, military intervention in domestic politics and a turbulent relationship with the US.

Here’s to hoping we don’t make the same mistakes.
