Viral Visual: “The Time You Have (In JellyBeans)”

“How much time have you already spent worrying instead of doing something you love? What if you only had one day left? What would you do today?”

From one of the Internet's top five favorite people to quote
From one of the Interwebz’ top five favorite people to quote

Are you pleased with what you’ve done this week? What about next? Is your schedule soul-soothing and joy-inducing – or is it packed with chores and work and traffic and crap? It’s the latter, I know… I know.

Check out the video above for some perspective on how we spend our very limited time on this earth.

Did that video depress you? Good. Now go do something about it! Turn that TV time  into something productive. Make the most of your free days, hours, seconds.

To inspire you, here’s director Baz Luhrmann’s classic take on advice columnist Mary Schmich’s words of wisdom for young people:
