This Egyptian Agency Becomes the First to Give Paid Menstrual Leaves!
Recently, many organizations and individuals have called for paid leave for female workers during their periods. The menstrual leave is already recognized in a few countries around the world, and it’s sparking a huge debate, on whether the initiative is pioneering or problematic.

On one side of the debate, it’s recognizing the pain that a woman goes through during her menstrual cycle, making them avoid taking unnecessary painkillers to power through the day. On the other hand, many assume that it might be problematic because it could be used as a justification for hiring fewer women or paying them less than men.
If you’re pro the menstrual leave team, then you’ll probably be proud that one Egyptian agency is taking the lead and setting an example; being the first to apply menstrual leave policy. “Shark and Shrimp” is a marketing agency that decided to apply the menstrual leave policy starting the first of April, giving their “partners of success” the right to a paid leave on the first or second day of their periods.

According to the official policy that they posted on their page, only if necessary, female employees can work from home on that day. The post went viral with more than 700 shares at press time.