This Beautiful Animation Shows us Exactly why the Migratory Birds of Egypt Matter so Much

Nature Conservation Egypt (NCE) has released a video about migratory birds and how human activity is impacting their natural way of living. Up to 370 species of migratory birds come to Egypt from all over Europe and Asia on their way to warmer climates in Africa.

The North African country is home to 34 important bird areas, but unfortunately, in our modern time, technological advancements have pushed hunting to measures that put the existence of these precious animals in peril. In some instances, hunters have developed bird calling devices that distract the birds from their migratory paths. Other methods include the use of nets and lime sticks, which further endanger these animals.

Birds have a huge impact on our ecosystem, from the spreading of seeds to the decomposition of carcasses of other animals, thus cleaning the environment and returning important elements to earth. In many ways, birds help maintain the ecosystem and are an essential part of its balance.

The NCE is an Egyptian NGO pushing for sustainability and conservation of the country’s natural heritage to preserve it for the upcoming generations. The NGO is also a Birdlife International partner in Egypt, and is a member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

WE SAID THIS: There is much more we could do to preserve these animals; let us know what you think in the comments below.
