The Inexorable Emergence of Startup Firms in the Middle East: A Home-Based Revolution?
The Middle East has experienced an exponential level of growth during the past century. While originally as a result of its massive oil reserves, the 21st century has now incorporated technology into this undeniable success story. This is why many digital and tech-based firms have chosen to relocate their home offices to well-known cities such as Dubai. While we often hear of international success stories focusing on the profits of larger Middle Eastern businesses, we need to keep in mind that this revolution has equally attracted home-based individuals who are abandoning the restrictions of a traditional office environment in favor of a greater sense of flexibility.
Let us take a look at what has already taken place as well as what the future may very well have in store.
Knowledge Is Power
In the past, starting a home-based business represented a daunting task. How would you ever be able to create a website from scratch? Would you need to learn complicated codings such as C++ and CSS? What about e-commerce platforms and payment gateways? As these were generally made for larger businesses, was there any “middle road”? The unfortunate fact of the matter is that such questions tended to discourage those who otherwise had great sales ideas; times have indeed changed.
Not only can budding entrepreneurs access a host of informative e-books which explain the road map to success, but the e-commerce platforms themselves have evolved to such a point as to be perfectly suitable for those with little previous experience. These are the very same reasons why we are experiencing somewhat of a paradigm shift in relation to the types of individuals who choose to begin a business from home. No longer do they represent professionals with a high degree of technical expertise. On the contrary, there are now ordinary citizens who are hoping to enjoy a greater sense of flexibility while increasing their chances of success.
Agility is a final benefit which has resulted from an increase access to online knowledge. No longer will home-based businesses be forced to rely upon outdated or otherwise inappropriate software packages. These systems now boast an agile and dynamic edge; enabling your business to grow while adapting to changing needs in the future. Integration is simple and many e-commerce solutions can work perfectly fine with existing (legacy) architecture. In other words, your business can be up and running in no time at all if you choose to work with high-end providers.
Thinking Outside of the Geographical Box to Find Success
Certain portions of the world such as Africa and the Middle East have enjoyed a great deal of growth due to the
There are no geographical borders in terms of the Internet. You will not be limited by such factors such as driving distances or discrete marketing campaigns. You can choose which communities are best suited for the products or services that you have to offer and to address their needs accordingly. Of course, the use of multiple methods such as blogs, YouTube videos,
So, the main question involves where to begin. The first; and most critical, piece of advice is to select a reputable e-commerce platform that is geared towards addressing the needs of a home-based business as opposed to a larger firm. This will provide you with the latitude and flexibility that are required for future success. Take a look at what others have had to say about their experiences. Objective word of mouth and third-party opinions are powerful tools at your disposal. It is always best to opt for a service which offers some type of no-obligation trial period so that you will be able to determine the efficacy of its architecture without being forced to make a financial commitment.
Regardless of whether you live in the Middle East or the western world, the home-based retail opportunities to be encountered across the Internet are nearly endless. If you are no longer satisfied with a 9-to-5 position within an office, a virtual business could be an excellent opportunity to consider. As always, hard work and dedication are the two most important components which will ultimately determine your success.